Watch what Norbert Wirth - MD at HAVER & BOECKER INDIA has to say to find the right product-market fit for the company.

Setting up business operations in India can be a rewarding but challenging endeavour for foreign companies. Navigating the complex regulatory landscape, addressing administrative hurdles, adapting to cultural differences, facing intense competition, and overcoming infrastructure limitations are key challenges that need to be tackled.

By understanding and proactively addressing these challenges, foreign companies can position themselves for success in the Indian market. Developing local expertise, fostering strong relationships, investing in market research, and adapting business strategies accordingly will greatly enhance the chances of thriving in India's dynamic and promising business landscape.

One effective approach is to hire an advisor to navigate the market. Additionally, conducting multiple rounds of experimentation and testing can help determine which products are successful in India. It's also essential to ensure that the product has competitive #pricing to effectively compete in the market.

One effective approach is to hire an advisor to navigate the market. Additionally, conducting multiple rounds of experimentation and testing can help determine which products are successful in India. It's also essential to ensure that the product has competitive #pricing to effectively compete in the market.
Watch what Norbert Wirth - Managing Director at HAVER & BOECKER INDIA has to say to find the right product-market fit for the company.