Webinar Summary : “Managing Performance and Productivity during Lockdown”

M+V in association with UK Indian Business Council hosted a webinar on, “ManagingPerformance and Productivity during Lockdown” on 26th May, 2020. The webinar was chaired by Mr. Chris Heyes, Director UKIBC. The panel consisted of Samriti Parashar, Head of Executive Search at M+V, Deepmala Datta, Market Expansion Expert at M+V and Rohit Singh, Director UKIBC.

Deepmala Datta’s session focused on ‘Performance & Productivity’. Access to right ‘Tools’, ‘Engagement’ and ‘Real-time’ monitoring were highlighted as the three productivity enablers. Whereas, ‘Right fit’, ‘Clarity’, ‘Continuous Conversation’ were the performance enablers. Mrs. Datta further suggested that there should be a better understanding and alignment of cultures, regular communication and investment not just in technology but in the managers as well.

Rohit Singh’s session was titled, ‘Managing Partners/Suppliers, what are your options?’ The key take-aways from the same was analyzing one’s risks and the frequent communication. The risks being faced by a business and their partners/suppliers are different. A proper analysis of both must be done. And required actions must be taken accordingly. Communication along with being regular must also be direct for better effectiveness.

Samriti Parashar’s session was on ‘Recruitment during Lockdown’. The session started with sectors that were actively hiring (healthcare, life sciences, technology, ecommerce) and the ones that had experienced a slowdown (infrastructure, FMCG, textiles & garments). The focus then shifted on how recruitment has changed during lockdown? Availability of a larger talent pool, increased number of interview rounds, presentations/group discussions, increased focus on assessment centers & psychometric tests, more focus on reference checks and verifications are the changes that have emerged. Moving ahead there were suggestions on how to retain employees. Drawing up of a work from home policy, clear identification of goals and targets, adherence to timelines, rewards/punishment, online team building activities, code of conduct specific to work from home, timely payment of salaries were some of the suggestion shared.

Managing performance & productivity and retaining employees was a difficult task even in the pre Covid-19 era. These difficulties have only increased with the pandemic. Listening to the experts at the webinar has helped drive home the point how efficient communication is one of the ways out of it.